Music Theory Online: How To Read And Write Music

Music Theory Online: How To Read And Write Music

[ Home | Table of Contents | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Appendix ]


Dear Reader:

Hello, and welcome to Music for the Simple Man!

It has been one of the greatest honors of my life to write this book. But it has been an even greater honor to work with many talented musicians, artists, instructors and especially students as I was doing my research.

The information in this book encompasses the knowledge and experiences of my own sixteen-year music career, including knowledge passed to me by great musicians and composers from all around the world.

Many music instruction books are designed as an accompaniment to live instruction, whether it is in a classroom environment or private instruction. This book, (although wonderful as a teaching aid), was written as a "stand-alone" instructional guide.

I wrote it so that it follows the very same information flow and style that I use when teaching my own students, and was written in stages, from beginner to advanced, and designed to teach you music theory as it applies performance.

I wanted this book to be practical use. Many books teach you about a subject, but not to do a subject. This book is a flood of crucial information that every musician, composer, engineer, and anyone else in the field of music should know.

This book, in my opinion is one most complete music theory instruction courses you will ever find.

In these pages we will begin by covering the core concepts of music and back it up with solid theory and practice. From basic and intermediate theory to very advanced techniques and methodology, beginners and professionals alike will benefit greatly from this book.

As a compliment to this book, I have done what many authors have seldom done. I have made myself available to answer questions, as well as give live instruction and recommendations. That is how much I love music.

It is my sincerest hope that this course will educate and help to better equip you for not only music, whether career or hobby, but will bring a higher standard of living through entertainment into your life, and the lives of the ones you touch in your everyday lives.

I wish you all the very best in your music endeavors!

Dexter Nelson (Musician, Author, Composer)
President - Echoingwalls Music