Music Theory Online: The Three Clefs

Music Theory Online: The Three Clefs: Bass Clef

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Section 3: Bass clef

The symbol for the Bass clef looks like the right half of a heart symbol. It indicates that the fourth line from the bottom of the staff represents the pitch of F below Middle C. The Bass clef is also called the F clef. Look at Figure D.

Figure D (The Bass clef)

Again we look at the D Major Scale, but in another clef. Can you see why it is call the F clef? Hint: There are two reasons.

First, look at the symbol itself and pay close attention to the inside curve at the top of the symbol. The point where the curve ends on the staff is called a "tell tale" in common music language, because it tells you exactly why it is called an F clef, (because it ends on the line that indicates the F note).

Figure C (Middle C)

Take another look Figure C and the relationship between the Treble clef and Bass clef. You will notice that the Bass clef is below the Middle C. This represents the most distinctive quality of the Bass clef - it is the lowest in pitch.

From the bottom of the staff, the fourth line up is the F line, or by the definition as given earlier, "the pitch of F, below Middle C." Similarly, the second line down from Middle C is and F.